one piece most popular anime in the world review - animovies

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Thursday, November 15, 2018

one piece most popular anime in the world review

today we are going to review one piece animeone piece was written by echiro oda. one piece was made record for highest sold manga in japan. one piece story based on a 17 year old boy monkey d luffy. who want to become pirate king and find oceans greatest treasure. left by late pirate king gold d roger. that why he need strong crew who help him to become pirate king. he left his village to become pirate and he mate his first mate pirate hunter zoro. luffy saved zoro from marine and agree him to become pirate. now zoro and luffy both sail with tiny bout. that why they need ship to go on grand line where pirate king left his treasure.

to find ship and one piece they arrived in a village where captain buggy rule they meet nami. who become their navigator and three of theme meet ussop.  who called big liar they help ussop to save his friend kaya and then kaya gave them ship who called going marry. four of them need chief to make food for them so they arrive at barati restaurant they sanji to join their and become ships cook.

they start going to grand line to fulfill their dream. they arrive first island and meet vivi. and to save his kingdom they going to alabasta. to defeat crocodile and they meet chopper a cute reindeer. chopper was who want to become pirate that’s luffy asked him to join his crew as a doctor. and after defeat many enemy and join three people on strew hat crew robin, frenky and brook. going marry destroyed in so many battle. so they buy a new ship thousand sunny and set sail to half of the grandline called new world and defeat doflamingo. to stop sanji’s marriage they attacked on yonko and this arc still going.
